
#Capital Group

# Capital group composition:

  • URSUS S.A. - the parent company
  • URSUS BUS S.A. - 77% - subsidiary
  • URSUS Dystrybucja sp. z o.o. -  96% - subsidiary
  • URSUS sp. z o.o. - 100% - subsidiary
  • AIU+ sp. z o.o. - 24% - subsidiary

URSUS S.A. in Lublin is a subsidiary of POL-MOT Holding SA in Warsaw. POL-MOT Holding S.A. owns 26.984.996 shares of URSUS S.A. (together with its related companies REO sp. z o.o. Inwestycje S.K.A., Invest-Mot sp. z o.o., POL-MOT AUTO S.A. and Prologus sp. z o.o.), representing 41,77% of the total number votes at the General Meeting of the Company.

The company URSUS BUS S.A. with the seat in Lublin was established on 24.04.2015. Its shareholders are URSUS S.A. holding 77,3% of shares and Invest- Mot sp. z o.o. which holds 22,7% of shares. The Company has an unlimited period of operation, its main business activity will be sales production and sales of buses and trolleybuses.

Establishment of the company URSUS BUS S.A. results from implementation of the strategy of the Issuer’s Management Board aiming to increase the activity of the brand URSUS on the market of buses, trolleybuses and electric buses.  Acquirement of a renowned sector partner will  speed up growth of share of URSUS brand vehicles in the market segment.  Buses, trolleybuses and electric buses manufactured by URSUS BUS S.A. will respond to increasing demand for innovative and ecological means of transport.

URSUS Dystrybucja sp. Z o.o.
The company URSUS Dystrybucja sp. z o.o. with the seat in Lublin was established on the 11th December  2017 r. as a result of conversion of the company LZM3 sp. z o.o. with the seat in Lublin.

On the 6th November 2017 a merger of the Issuer’s subsidiaries: the company URSUS Zachód sp. z o.o. in Koszalin and the company URSUS Wschód sp. z o.o. in Lublin with the company LZM3 sp. z o.o. in Lublin took place. 

On the 11th December 2017 the share capital of LZM3 was increased from 8.900.100 PLN toy 16.900.100 PLN. URSUS S.A. acquired 80.000 new shares in the company LZM3 sp. z o.o. and the name of the company was changed to URSUS Dystrybucja sp. z o.o.

The above-mentioned changes were registered by the court on the 8th January 2018.

The main shareholders of the company Ursus Dystrybucja sp. z o.o. are URSUS S.A., holding 96% shares, Karol Nowe (2% shares) and Marzena Nowe (2% shares).

Ursus sp. Z o.o.
The company Ursus sp. z o.o. with the seat in Lublin was established on 18.02.2016 by the company URSUS S.A., which holds 100% of its shares. On 05.04.2011 the company was registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under the no. 0000610381.  The main business activity of the company is bulk sale of machinery for agriculture and forestry.

AIU + sp. Z o.o. 
On the 2nd January 2017 the company AIU+ sp. z o.o. with the seat in Lublin was established. The company URSUS S.A. acquired 25% of the shares in the newly established entity. The business profile of the company are financial and advisory services, research and development works.

(updated on 30/04/2018)